Worship is the heart of the church's life and ongoing ministry.
The First Presbyterian Church of Commerce welcomes all who come to worship the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Our worship service, as currently organized, will begin at 11 a.m. each Sunday. It will be a shortened and modified service, with social distancing, face coverings, and hand sanitation enforced to keep worshipers as safe as possible. As conditions allow, our plan calls for gradual resumption of normal worship.
We have resumed Sunday School for adults adopted online Zoom worship for those who prefer to stay safe at home. Howevrer, numbers have declined and are no longer supporting the continued use of Zoom and it will be shut down shortly.
For further infomation, please call the church at 903-886-3783. If there is no answer, please leave a message.
For children: Because of low numbers, the First Presbyterian Church of Commerce has put on hold our nursery and Sunday School classes until further notice or as needed. Our children's room is available for young children, complete with toys and a crib, and a volunteer will be available to provide supervision while you attend our worship service.
For adults: Currently, we have one adult Sunday School class. The Adult Explorers Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 in the Parlor. All adults are invited.
Presbyterian Women
At First Presbyterian Church of Commerce, there has been a very active Presbyterian Women's group. The PW Circle meets for fellowship and Bible Study on most months, normally on the second Monday at 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Horizons Bible Study materials are currently used. Guests are always welcome.
In addition to Bible Study, the PW ladies promote fellowship among the women of the congregation by hosting a fall luncheon, ususally in September, and an additional luncheon in May. Other special events are also planned occasionally.
Members of our PW are active in service to our church and community. Many volunteer at local organizations. One special local project completed recently was the sewing of fleece baby caps for the newborn nursery at Hunt Regional Medical Center in Greenville. Our Presbyterian Women's Circle also supports mission projects through Grace Presbytery.
Food Pantry
The Commerce Food Pantry is housed at the First Presbyterian Church in Commerce and is staffed solely by community volunteers. Those interested in donating canned goods, dry goods, and personal care products are welcome to drop off their donations during the church office business hours. Monetary donations are also accepted and a receipt will be given if requested. You may also purchase pre-packaged bags of food from Brookshire’s Grocery located at 1603 Culver Street in Commerce. Food Pantry volunteers will see that these bags are delivered to the Pantry distribution center at the church each week.
The Commerce Food Pantry is open to individuals and families in the Commerce area who are in need. The distribution of food is on most Thursdays from 2 pm – 4 p.m. The coronavirus threatening us all has not stopped the Commerce Food Pantry. It continues to serve the needs of Commerce and surrounding communities. Please contact the church office at (903) 886-3783 for more detailed information.